On My Wishlist is a weekly event highlighting a book that I really want to read. The book may be 20 years old, or the pub date may not be until next year, but either way I'm excited about it, and hopefully you will be too!

Drowned (Drowned #1) by Nichola Reilly
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
304 pages
304 pages
Synopsis from Goodreads
Deformed and weak, she is
constantly reminded that in a world where dry land dwindles at every high tide,
she is not welcome. The only bright spot in her harsh and difficult life is the
strong, capable Tiam—but love has long ago been forgotten by her society. The
only priority is survival.
Until the day their King falls ill,
leaving no male heir to take his place. Unrest grows, and for reasons Coe
cannot comprehend, she is invited into the privileged circle of royal aides.
She soon learns that the dying royal is keeping a secret that will change their
world forever.
So, what do you think? Is it one that you'd like to add to your wish list? Have you already read it?
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