Review: Witchstruck (The Tudor Witch Trilogy) by Victoria Lamb

Pub. Date: September 24th, 2013
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
320 pages

I’m a huge Historical Fiction lover, which makes me very aware of how easy it is to be disappointed in the historical side of Historical Fiction. Thankfully, Witchstruck doesn’t disappoint.

Not every sixteen-year old has figured out that thing that makes them special. But, not every sixteen-year old is a descendant from a long line of witches. In Tudor England, there is an inherent distrust in anything different. Being a maid to the supernaturally interested Princess Elizabeth, offers Meg a small amount of protection, but trying to stay faithful to her families’ history, while trying to stay alive, is a constant juggle. When the stakes start getting too high for Meg to handle everything on her own, she has to figure out if she can trust anyone but Elizabeth with her secret, but risks fatal consequences if she puts her trust in the wrong place. 

My favorite part of the novel is the dynamic between polar opposites Meg and Alejandro – a Catholic Priest in training sent to convert Elizabeth by her sister Queen Mary. Both characters are unique, 
interesting, and at odds with each other from the first time they meet. I love the strength in Meg’s character, and how unafraid she is to be herself, or stick up for what (or who) she believes in. Alejandro’s intentions and trustworthiness on the other hand are always questionable, but his fishiness adds a level of mystery and intrigue that keeps you glued to your seat reading. Alejandro is the right kind of wrong for Meg, which creates a dynamic that I found thoroughly entertaining throughout the novel.

One aspect I wish had been stronger was the suspense. The novel moves from one big potential disaster to another, but I didn’t always believe the danger Meg and Elizabeth faced. While I understand that the characters have no idea whether Elizabeth will be executed for treason against her sister, the readers (hopefully) know her fate. Similarly, a seed is planted that Meg could be burned / drowned/ hanged if her witchliness were discovered, and while I didn’t question she was in dangerous situations, unless a Drew Barrymore in Scream kind of twist was going to happen, I didn’t ever believe that she was die in the first book of a trilogy.  

Filled with intrigue, a fast-paced storyline, an awesome heroine, and a touch of magic, Witchstruck is sure to strike a chord (pun intended!) with readers. I can’t wait to see what happens in book two of the trilogy.

Rating 8/10

Side note: This is truly just a personal preference, and maybe I’ve seen too many episodes of Charmed, or read Harry Potter too many times, but I really wanted a little more magic. I’m hoping that as Meg learns more about her power in the next two novels that the magic will become a more predominant feature. If she goes down for being a witch, she’d better go down having tried every witchly trick in the book.

** I received a copy of the novel from the publisher to read and honestly review. I was in no way compensated.

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