Review: Forgiving Lies (Forgiving Lies #1) by Molly McAdams

Pub. Date: October 29th, 2013
Publisher: William Morrow & Company
368 pages

After a sexual assault, Rachel learns just how true the saying “blood is thicker than water” truly is. Unwilling to believe her cousin capable of rape, Rachel’s best friend Candice is convinced that Rachel has confused her attacker and savior. Worried that pushing the subject will cause a bigger rift between her and Candice, Rachel decides to try and forget the whole thing. For an entirely different kind of assault, career undercover cops Logan and Mase are reassigned to Texas from Florida. With the cover of bartenders, the two are assigned to help track down a serial killer. Logan tries to stay detached from everything while on the job, and Rachel initially is completely uninterested in any kind of relationship, but when the two fall into an easy friendship, they slowly break down their self-imposed walls. Only when their two worlds dangerously collide do they realize how little protection the walls offered.

After the first two chapters I did something I never do when reviewing – I read a bunch of reviews. I was legitimately convinced that I had been sent the wrong book to review, because the beginning of the novel was in no way represented within the synopsis. As a reader I was completely thrown. To make matters worse, I severely disliked everything about the first few chapters. So much happens. From instalove, to assault, I didn’t feel I had a chance to connect with any of the characters before they were polarized. The worst part of the early chapters was the worst representation of “best friends” that I have
ever read. I was infuriated that Candice didn’t believe Rachel about the assault, and I was infuriated that Rachel would stay friends with someone who was so clearly not a friend.

When Mase and Logan were introduced I started to somewhat warm to the novel. I really liked the easy banter of Rachel and Logan’s relationship, and the hilarity of Mase and Logan’s friendship. The relationships added realism to a story that I found severely lacked realism up to that point. But, the lack of logic Logan displays on the job quickly overshadowed any positive points the realism added. It became glaringly obvious why Logan forbids himself from having relationships while on the job. All of his cop sense flew out the window the second he met Rachel. The reader is basically told who the serial killer is very early in the story, so when Logan and Mase aren’t capable of figuring it out just a quickly, I become extraordinarily frustrated and annoyed.

The lack of logic involved in solving the central mystery, and how severely I disliked Candice, prevented me from enjoying this novel. If you’re looking for a straight escapist story, Forgiving Lies may be for you. But, if you need a little more plausibility in your Contemporary, I’d skip it.

Rating 3/10

*** I received a copy of this novel from the publisher to read and honestly review. I was in no way compensated. 

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